Reliable detection of amphetamine, methamphetamine and MDMA

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    Reliable detection of amphetamine, methamphetamine and MDMA
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    Reliable detection of amphetamine, methamphetamine and MDMA

    Performance promised, dependency delivered

    Amphetamines, methamphetamines and MDMA are among the most deceptive substances on the drug scene. Their promises of high performance hide the real risks to users of addiction and dangerous side effects.

    The figures don’t bode well – according to the European Union Drugs Agency, the number of MDMA labs seized in Europe almost doubled in one year, from 25 in 2021 to 48 in 2022. The same trend has been detected in amphetamine and methamphetamine production. High availability fuels consumption. And, given the ever-increasing purity of the drugs, the result is two-fold – more drug abuse and greater harm to health. Sewage analysis indicates increasing consumption worldwide.


    Typical MDMA tablets:

    Brightly coloured and often stamped with a cute logo to give a false impression of harmlessness.

    Amphetamines, methamphetamines and MDMA are all synthetic drugs. This group of drugs includes all substances that are manufactured exclusively in a lab without any natural base materials or additives. These can be further classified as psychostimulants, empathogens (also known as entactogens) and hallucinogens. Amphetamines and methamphetamines fall into the first category. While MDMA is itself a methamphetamine, it also has stimulating and euphoric effects and is therefore considered an empathogen. This term is used to describe substances that cause emotions to be felt much more intensely than normal. The name “ecstasy” was originally coined to designate a drug consisting mainly of MDMA. However, anyone purchasing ecstasy today can expect a mixture of all manner of substances, of which MDMA may not necessarily be one. The most extraordinary mixtures have been detected by drug checks, which means that “ecstasy” can no longer be used as an unambiguous label.

    Amphetamines, methamphetamines and MDMA have broken out of the festival and party scene – today they are even used by performance athletes or consumed on a daily basis by some users. Consumers aspire to boost their performance and be the best they can be, all the time and in all areas of life. However, their unlimited self-confidence, hyperexcitability and an increased willingness to take risks pose a considerable threat to those around them – in their private lives, at work and when driving.

    Comparison of amphetamine, methamphetamine, and MDMA

    Drug Description Effect Side effects
    Amphetamine Psychostimulant, purity 10% to 80%, usually mixed with cutting agents (from other drugs to lactose), white to yellowish powder, mostly snorted or taken orally Highly stimulating and euphoria-inducing, primary drives like hunger and thirst are suppressed, releases dopamine, noradrenalin and adrenalin, intoxication lasts 6 to 8 hours Quickly leads to psychological and physical dependence, causes extensive long-term physical and psychological harm
    Methamphetamine Psychostimulant, crystal or powder form – more rarely tablets or capsules, can be snorted, swallowed, smoked or injected Highly stimulating and euphoria-inducing, primary drives like hunger and thirst are suppressed, effects are 5 times stronger than amphetamine, intoxication lasts up to 16 hours, in isolated cases up to 70 hours, releases dopamine, noradrenalin and adrenalin High risk of overdose, very quickly leads to psychological and physical dependence, causes extensive long-term physical and psychological harm, irreversible damage to nerve cells and the brain
    MDMA Empathogen (entactogen), purity is specific to the dose, often cut, usually taken orally in tablet form; generally very pure and difficult to dose in crystal form Euphoria-inducing but also relaxing, makes feelings more intense, users are often communicative, primary drives like hunger and thirst are suppressed, effects start within about 30 mins and last 2 to 5 hours Dependency, extensive long-term physical and psychological harm


    DrugWipe 5 S ensures fast, reliable detection of amphetamine, methamphetamine and MDMA – just ask, we’re always happy to help!


    European Union Drugs Agency EUDA (formerly EMCDDA), Lisbon; Deutsche Hauptstelle für Suchtfragen (German Centre for Addiction Issues), Hamm,; Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (Federal Centre for Health Education, BZgA), Cologne,; Sucht Schweiz (Addiction Switzerland), Lausanne,

    Images provided by:

    Securetec Detektions-Systeme AG; AdobeStock_812860371; AdobeStock_199210136; AdobeStock_191491801



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